Saturday 13 February 2016

LO4 - Character Profile

This is the character that you play as called Walker. He is a scout being sent back to earth but first he must tackle a series of obstacle courses which will train and prepare him for what will be left of earth when humanity returns for the first time in 100 years

Wednesday 10 February 2016

LO3 - Props/Assets

Creating props and assets in Unreal Engine 4.

This is a screen recording of me creating props and assets in the Unreal Engine. In this timelapsed video I created a few platforms and a barrier to guide the player around the map. Also, I added some basic textures to the level to signify which platforms the player should jump on. I added an illuminous platform to signify a checkpoint, which later I will code to be a respawn point for the player.

Tuesday 9 February 2016

LO3 - Programming using blueprints

Programming using 'Blueprints' in Unreal Engine 4.

This is a screen recording of me using 'Blueprints' in the Unreal Engine to create a spawning system where by the character will respawn at the last checkpoint of they fall off one of the platforms within the level, or touch fire on level 2.

Wednesday 3 February 2016

LO3 - Designing Background and Environment Visuals

This is a screenshot which I have taken from the game and then edited in Photoshop to show what the HUD will look like on the final game.



Sketch of a more difficult level (level 1 above)
This is a sketch of what a more difficult level could look like within the game. It incorporates the same skills the player will have learned previously but includes more tight jumps and difficult jumps, drops and runs to get the player to the end of the level. In the final game there would be a variety of levels which would range in difficulty, allowing for casual or more difficult and competitive styles of play.

Tuesday 2 February 2016

LO3 - Using UE4

UE4 (Unreal Engine 4) is the software tool which many game developers use to build games, as well as to create simulations and visualations for film and architecture. From using Unreal I have gained some knowledge about the tools available and how the industry uses them to develop realistic environments. I have began to use the software and watch videos on YouTube in order to help me understand how to use the software overall, as well as how shortcuts on Unreal can make the game development process much more efficient. I found the software difficult to use at first because the number of tools available is very overwhelming before you start learning how to use them. I will need to experiment with the software before making my final game, in order to ensure that I know how to use the software corectly to produce the highest quality game I can.

Monday 1 February 2016

LO3 - Soundtrack

For the soundtrack to level 1 I have decided to use "No Limits - Another World" which is copyright free, which means I will not need to gain permission from the owner to use this music.

For the soundtrack to level 2 I have decided to use "Globus - The Promise" which is also copyright free and therefor means I will not need permission to use it.