Tuesday 22 December 2015

LO1 - Target Audience

PEGI Ratings
PEGI provides games an age rating of 3+, 7+, 12, 15+, 16+ or 18+. These are the ages that you will have to be to legally purchase the game. The ages are provided based on the content which is in the game. Below are the different icons which PEGI uses to represent violence, bad language, fear, sex, drugs, discrimination, gambling and if the game has mulriplayer capabilities.

Audience profile
Jack is an 19 year old male who is keen to play new games and has been playing them from a young age. He has a YouTube channel and creates LetsPlays for the games that he loves to play, which is mainly first person shooters. He is currently studying Computer Games Design (BA) at Huddersfield University. In his spare time he enjoys going out with friends, watching films and playing games. He is relaxed person who enjoys meeting new people and the overall university life. He lives in student accomodation at the halls in the University of Huddersfield. He loves to play games and often finds himself looking for the latest technology. He is interested in visiting gaming eventsand recently visited the Insomnia54 event where he had the chance to meet some of the gamers which he enjoys watching play on YouTube. He currently has a part time job in McDonalds but would love to be a games environment artist for a leading developer within the gaming industry, such as EA. He falls into the social grade of ABC1 as he has some disposable income, however it is limited sice he only has a part time job. He loves to get new games to play which he is always saving up for.is favourite games to play are Star Wars Battlefront and Call of Duty as he is a huge fan of first person shooters and is very competetitve when taking part in multiplayer gaming.

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