Wednesday 23 December 2015

LO1 - Comparison With Current Market

Level Design - Games Current Market
These are a selection of games which influenced how my final game will look and each of the individual core components, as well as the environment. These screenshots show how with a large production team, budget and range of employees with different skills, my game could be developed into being a successful AAA title, by having a more extensive environment and become much more realistic and enjoyable to play.

Mirrors Edge: Catalyst

Mirrors Edge

Call of Duty: Black Ops 3's Freerun mode

Screenshot of My Game WIP Training Level "Assualt Course" - Beta (Still in development)

Screenshot of My Game WIP Level 1 "Fire Assualt Course" - Alpha (Still in development)

Tuesday 22 December 2015

LO1 - Target Audience

PEGI Ratings
PEGI provides games an age rating of 3+, 7+, 12, 15+, 16+ or 18+. These are the ages that you will have to be to legally purchase the game. The ages are provided based on the content which is in the game. Below are the different icons which PEGI uses to represent violence, bad language, fear, sex, drugs, discrimination, gambling and if the game has mulriplayer capabilities.

Audience profile
Jack is an 19 year old male who is keen to play new games and has been playing them from a young age. He has a YouTube channel and creates LetsPlays for the games that he loves to play, which is mainly first person shooters. He is currently studying Computer Games Design (BA) at Huddersfield University. In his spare time he enjoys going out with friends, watching films and playing games. He is relaxed person who enjoys meeting new people and the overall university life. He lives in student accomodation at the halls in the University of Huddersfield. He loves to play games and often finds himself looking for the latest technology. He is interested in visiting gaming eventsand recently visited the Insomnia54 event where he had the chance to meet some of the gamers which he enjoys watching play on YouTube. He currently has a part time job in McDonalds but would love to be a games environment artist for a leading developer within the gaming industry, such as EA. He falls into the social grade of ABC1 as he has some disposable income, however it is limited sice he only has a part time job. He loves to get new games to play which he is always saving up favourite games to play are Star Wars Battlefront and Call of Duty as he is a huge fan of first person shooters and is very competetitve when taking part in multiplayer gaming.

Monday 21 December 2015

LO1 - Game Ideas a) Game synopsis and mechanics

Possible game ideas

How the first level of the above games would be designed:

First person - Free running game
The player would face a range of challenges to progress through the level, which consist of objects they must jump over, run on or slide under. These 3 elements will be what makes the game more challenging as the user progresses because there will be a higher quantity of difficult jumps, slides and wallruns. The player will be guided by arrows or colour which would show them which way they need to move and then it is up to them to use their skills and abilities to get past the objects. This game would be the most possible with the time and skills I have as I would need to make a more simple game and don't have a budget to produce a blockbuster style game. I would try to create all three elements but if it is too difficult then I could always create 2 of them as a contingency if I don't have enough time.

First person shooter - Target practice game
In this game the player would need to shoot down the targets in the level as quickly as possible. There main goal would be to beat their personal fastest time or score. If this game was to be released into the community then there would be multiplayer leaderboards that would allow for a more competitive game as the player tries to beat their friends scores. This game would be possible to make within the time which would allow me to make it to the highest standard that I currently have the ability to.

Third person action-adventure - Apocolyptic game
This is the most aspriational game that I could attempt out of the ones I have chosen. It would allow the player to progress through the game trying to get to the location at the other side of the map. The difficulty of the game would be created by the stability of the environment around them. As the player progresses they would learn to use new abilities such as climbing and swinging on objects which the will be required to use throughout the game to overcome obstacles. This is the game that I would like to create the most - however due to the time, budget and skills I have - I would not be able to make this game to the standard that I would like.

Side scroller - Zombie game
This level would require the player to avoid the zombies which are chasing them. They would need to run and have the ability to hit zombies which are in front of them. They will need to run away from the zombies which are behind them and have quick reactions to take down the zombies which are in front of them before the player is killed. This game will have no end to it, only different maps and a variety of zombies to defeat. The reason for this is that the levels will be based on score and players will compete with their friends to be the best on the leaderboards which is what will make the game so competitive.

2D Platform game
In this game the player must jump on the objects in the game in order to progress through the level. There will be small challenges like enemies that they can jump on to kill or jump over to avoid them. The player must get to the end of the level to move onto future levels and progress through the game. As the player continues through the game, the levels will become more challenging have a larger range of tougher/faster enemies and smaller platforms to jump on making the level more dificult. This game would be possible to make within the time I have, however I would not be able to make the level very long as there would be lots of small details to focus on.

Friday 18 December 2015

LO1 - Games Mindmap

Types of games

This is a mindmap which I have created to explore the different types of games including the platform that they can be purchased on, the genre of the game and the audience that the game has been created for. I have also added an inspiration section which is a variety of games that inspires me and will help me to make decisions about my own game including the genre and style of play. I will be looking at these games and the ways they design characters and introduce the player to the game and controls.

Thursday 17 December 2015

LO1 - Gantt Chart

This is a gantt chart which I created, so that I can ensure I complete each of the tasks on time. Planning is a very important aspect of the games industry, as developers have strict time constraints and pressures in terms of budget. This side of the industry is usually controlled by the manager and producer of the game.

LO1 - Moodboard of games

This moodboard I created includes a range of different games aimed at different audiences, genres and platforms. Many of these gamesare part of my inspiration for the ideas I have began to develop and they will help me to think about how I will design the different components within the game, and likely influencing the way it plays. Lot's of these games are AAA which I will not be able to produce as I would need a large budget, however they are part of the reason I would like to work within the game industry.