Monday 18 April 2016

LO4 - The Final Game

It has been over 1000 years since man last set foot on Earth. The downfall of humanity has left our planet to become something... unimaginable. As you know, by 2600 the entire food chain collapsed and right now we don't even know if the air is breathable. By now there may well be species to which the likes we have never seen. You have been selected for initiation. You will face the most difficult challenges, putting your body and mind to the test. If you survive your training, you will be part of the team sent to reclaim our little blue planet. Gear up soldier!

Level 1 In-Game Screenshot
Level 1 In-Game Screenshot

Level 1 Gameplay
Game Reveal Trailer

Friday 15 April 2016


Race your friends and record holders to beat the best!

Level 1 - Initial "Training"

Take on the platforms in the initial obstacle course and hit the blue checkpoints to save your progress.

Level 2 - "Firestarter"
Race your friends from this burning obstacle course, take advantage of multiple paths and see where your instinct takes you. On this level you will face more difficult challenges than you've previously encountered.

LO4 - In-Game Screenshots

In-Game Screenshots
Level 1 - Training Level

Level 2 - The Map

Level 2 - Path 1

Level 2 - Path 2

Thursday 14 April 2016

LO4 - Testing the Game

Alpha Test
I ran this test in editor mode to have a good idea of what the level will look like, but so that there is no lag during the test, therefor the quality of textures is considerably lower than the final game Thence the jagged edges around shapes.) This is a test of the game's jumping mechanics, respawn system and to test that the entire level is playable. From this test I found that I need more death barriers underneath the map in order to force the player to respawn when they fall off a platform.

Beta Test
I ran this test in preview mode to prevent lag during the test, therefore the quality of the game is low for this test. This is a test of the game's fluidity to esure that each platform is the perfect size and distance to challenge the player but allow them to get used to the controls of the game before progressing onto more difficult levels. From this test I found that the game is playable and that I had solved all of the issues with death barriers. It also allowed me to check that each of the platforms had a texture before I exported the game.

Saturday 13 February 2016

LO4 - Character Profile

This is the character that you play as called Walker. He is a scout being sent back to earth but first he must tackle a series of obstacle courses which will train and prepare him for what will be left of earth when humanity returns for the first time in 100 years

Wednesday 10 February 2016

LO3 - Props/Assets

Creating props and assets in Unreal Engine 4.

This is a screen recording of me creating props and assets in the Unreal Engine. In this timelapsed video I created a few platforms and a barrier to guide the player around the map. Also, I added some basic textures to the level to signify which platforms the player should jump on. I added an illuminous platform to signify a checkpoint, which later I will code to be a respawn point for the player.